Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

Week in Review

Long week; work was very busy, Chad had a couple of late nights, and I was generally too brain-fried by the time I got home, dealt with the dog, etc., to do anything but mindless things like making LJ icons or watching TV (or falling asleep on the couch when I meant to watch TV). One night it was at least a pleasant brain-fry, stopping briefly by a Happy Hour to celebrate a new co-worker's passing the bar exam, but still.

This weekend we drove out to see my parents for an early Thanksgiving. Went out for dinner Saturday night (and got carded over a glass of wine), watched Mom's videos from Scotland and Romania this summer, and generally had a nice low-key time. On the way back today we listened to football; the Patriots thoughtfully sounded very good while I was listening, and saved the tense bits until after we lost reception. They did win; can't say it was for Bill Belichick's dad Steve, who died at the age of 86 last night, since the team wasn't told until after the game, but it's a good thing all the same. The Giants also won, so a good football day.

And how did it get to be almost Thanksgiving already? Ack.

Tags: [time] in review, being carded, football

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