Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

Best FMA Accessory Ever

My sister-in-law does origami (for those of you at the wedding, she folded the 1001 cranes that were in the centerpieces and on the tables), and as a birthday present she sent me an origami bookcase, complete with individual books, with a note saying it was a library for Ed and Al.

As you can see from the pictures behind the cut (one of just them, one of all my Fullmetal Alchemist figures), they look very happy to have a bookcase to defend.

(The origami books are very cool; they're folded from a single sheet of paper, and have endpapers and everything. There's another picture behind the cut of a larger one she did for me for Christmas, and a stegosaurus she did for Chad.)

The Elric brothers and their bookcase:

the Elrics and their bookcase

(Looking at the picture, I'm wondering if I have it upside-down.)

Mustang, Hughes, Hawkeye, Winry, and the Elrics (sorry about the shadows) across the top of one of our own bookcases:

group FMA shot

A larger book and a stegosaurus:

book and dino origami

Tags: fullmetal alchemist, pictures

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