Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

Week in Review

In which Kate resorts to bullet points, because she's suddenly very tired:

  • Got a temporary crown placed over a molar Thursday. Wow but that impression-taking goop is vile. My jaw still hasn't forgiven me for letting it be held wide open for an hour. The crown came loose yesterday morning (nightguard now doesn't fit by this much: ><); I'll have to squeeze out some time this week to have that looked at.
  • My stomach is much better, though, except when I abuse it with dental work or going-away cake or eating too much good Indian food. Mmmmm, masala dosai bigger than my torso.
  • Ascended my first NetHack character since January 2005 (I just haven't been playing):
    Esme the Necromancer      St:18/94 Dx:23 Co:18 In:22 Wi:22 Ch:18  Neutral
    Astral Plane $:0  HP:670(676) Pw:324(579) AC:-46 Exp:25 T:108692

    No genocide, no polyself, lots of pets (though none survived but the Astral Plane Angel and a lone gremlin), otherwise a pretty typical Wizard ascension.

  • Football season! Patriots weren't on TV here, but judging by the online play-by-play and the subsequent stories, they started ugly but came back well. 19-17 over the Bills on a sack for a safety.
  • Art show yesterday in the Stockade, a historic area of Schenectady. Surprisingly extensive and with some interesting stuff, though nothing I liked enough to buy and find space for. Also discovered a new places that serves crêpes that we'll have to try sometime.

Busy week coming up: Wednesday-Thursday to Rochester for work; Friday-Sunday to Montreal for the Farthing party. Which means, among other things, that I have to read the final version of Farthing (duh) and think some more about the program item I'm on ("The Undefended Borders of SF. SF and fantasy have a clear border, one bristling with ray-guns and mind-shields, but there are other ways of sneaking up on the space between them. A discussion of some of the books and stories that do this."). After I get some sleep.

Tags: [time] in review, football, health and beauty

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