From various people: guess the movie or TV series from three of the IMDB's plot keywords:
- Stabbed In The Shoulder, Birthday Party, End Of Mankind
- Geese, Black Box, Temperature (ETA: IMDB has this as "black box recorder," which isn't quite right; sorry)
- Old War Buddies, Gun Nut, Mysterious Past
- Hollowed Out Book, Library, Hope
- Giant Spider, Battering Ram, Pyre
- Genocide, Suit Of Armor, Military
- Acrobat, EMP, Mormon
- Pudding, Brain Surgery, Tortoise
- Torture, Cliff, True Love
- Animate Tree, Scaling Ladder, Rabbit
- Black Suit Clad Killer, Union, Convenience Store
- Ice Skating, Briefcase, Reckless Driving
- US Embassy, Amnesia, Fishing Boat
- Vincent Van Gogh, Baseball, Mushroom Cloud
- Good Cop Bad Cop, Plastic Surgery, Shootout
(I'm bolding the ones that are still left to be guessed.)