Here's what our free-books bags at World Fantasy Con contained:
- The First Betrayal (The Chronicles of Josan, Book 1) by Patricia Bray (2006)
- The Curse of the Raven Mocker by Marly Youmans (2006)
- Undertow by Elizabeth Bear (2007)
- Carmen Dog by Carol Emshwiller (2004) (two copies)
- The Faery Reel: Tales from the Twilight Realm (2006)
- 20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill (2007)
- Wizardry and Wild Romance: A Study of Epic Fantasy by Michael Moorcock (2004)
- Things That Never Were: Fantasies, Lunacies & Entertaining Lies by Matthew Rossi (2003)
- The Leopard Mask (The Guin Saga, Book 1) by Kaoru Kurimoto (2003) (two copies)
- The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld, complied by Stephen Briggs
- A miscellany of samplers, Fantasy & Science Fiction issues, and other stuff.
I was vaguely planning to read The Faery Reel and 20th Century Ghosts already, so that was good. Any comments about the rest?
Also, on the topic of free books: Chad has posted about the Fantasy Novel Scavenger Hunt we came up with: "participants would be given a list of things to find, and sent to the Dealer's Room or free book bags to find them and bring them back." Here's what he's got to get things started:
- One book featuring a telepathic bond between a human and an animal.
- Three books with dubious guilds (Thieves Guild, Prostitute's Guild, etc.)
- Three characters with D'Read A'Postro'phes in their names [no kidding, one of the Aussie books had a single name with three apostrophes in it!]
- A book with a map in the front, in which the characters visit every single country on the map.
- A book with a faintly insulting "Exotic" setting.
I think participants should automatically win if they come back with a copy of The Tough Guide to Fantasyland, myself. But what else?