Huh. Been a while.
Society-type stuff:
- SeeLight: The "Missing Black Woman Formation" :: Why it is not actually useful to apply the Missing Black Woman Formation to politics (or anything more complex than commercials).
- The Afterlife of Cellphones - New York Times Magazine :: Huge, fascinating article about reuse and recycling of cellphones (as an example of the wider problems associated with consumer electronics).
(tags: technology environment)
- Electronics Recycling Services :: Recommended recycling service for old videotapes, floppies, etc.
(tags: computers environment)
- A Passage to India: New York Times :: "food scholars find New York fertile ground in which to examine ethnic restaurants, especially the ways they negotiate the many forces that bear on immigrant cultures, from the yearning for home to the pressures of finding a place in a new society."
(tags: food immigration)
- Pair reflect on months as married gay couple | | The Des Moines Register :: "The next day, before the judge's ruling is suspended pending an appeal to the Iowa Supreme Court, they become the only same-sex couple to marry in Iowa."
(tags: sexuality same-sex.marriage)
- veejane: [link to "Love as an Act of Hostility" (Language Log)] :: Link to rebuttal of, and further commentary on, epic fail at the Language Log, where "ultimately, this guy (this *linguist*) still insists that it's possible to call the female population of Yale a bunch of sluts in a way that isn't hostile . . . "
Amusing or entertainment-related, non-eye-candy edition:
- little_details: Jobs with little to no interaction with the public :: I find the comments in this oddly fascinating. Also a good reference if I ever decide to take a vow of silence.
(tags: employment)
- WB and JKR File Full Request for Injunction of Harry Potter Lexicon (Part 1) - The Leaky Cauldron :: I haven't read the papers yet, but the summary sounds to me like a good example of what you get when you have a clueful plaintiff, a rock-solid case, high stakes, and several boatloads of money: impressively good lawyering.
(tags: law harry.potter)
- Slacktivist: Biblical names :: 7 biblical women's names that deserve wider usage and 7 biblical women's names to avoid.
- Proof of Joy and Absurd Humor in the World -- Romance Novel Reviews - Smart Bitches :: I Can Has Cheezburger has sold a book, scheduled for Fall 2008. (Emmy doesn't like those cats.)
(tags: lolcat)
- Librarians Offer Romance Essentials 101 -- Romance Novel Reviews - Smart Bitches
- rushthatspeaks: Vericon Panel Writeup: Shoujo Revolution: A History of Gender Tropes in Shoujo Manga and Anime
Amusing or entertainment-related, eye-candy edition:
- Blood Pen: Blood-Pen Brings New Terror to the Phrase "Write This Out 1000 Times" :: For the wannabe Dolores Umbridges.
(tags: wrongness)
- The Battle of Pelennor Fields « Miss(ed) Manners :: "our Grond actually swings back and forth. On LICORICE ROPES."
- Science Fiction Fandom :: "a series of TV shows showing activities at various Science Fiction Conventions (Cons) that have taken place in the Boston, Massachusetts, USA area" -- RealPlayer format. Includes recordings from Boskone, Arisia, & Noreascon.
(tags: cons)
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Rhymes with Orange :: "All dogs are really service dogs."
(tags: comic.strips)
- Puppy vs. Roboquad: the ultimate man-machine showdown - Engadget :: The graphics make this one.
- Peter Callesen :: Amazing art created out of single sheets of paper (forwarded e-mails misattribute these to multiple artists' entries in a museum contest).