I'm having trouble picking my next book. The past few things I've read (The Somnambulist, A Matter of Oaths, The Truelove) haven't been satisfactory, which I think is leaving me very bleh about the prospect of putting effort into another book, rather than just mindlessly playing NetHack and web puzzle games. Today I tried reading a book I saw oracne
So, a poll. I'm mostly looking for something that will be really satisfactory, something I can sink my teeth into without feeling cranky about the construction of the plot, or the prose, or the treatment of gender, or whatever. Strong likeable female characters a plus, after the unsatisfactory books above. I suspect that humor and quirk may be minuses rather than pluses just now; ditto very sad or very dark (yes, I know Use of Weapons is a poll choice, but I've read that before, know what I'm getting, and think it would be okay). Also, something that's not too much work at the beginning would be good.
Edit: thanks, all! As of 8:15 Wednesday morning The Steerswoman's Road has 44.4% of the votes, and that and the accompany comments have convinced me to bring it into work and try it over lunch. But feel free to suggest fallbacks or add data on the other stuff in the poll.
A dozen options, by author:
What should Kate read next?
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