Suddenly it's February, I have less than a month to get my Hugo nomination ballot in order, and so far my ballot consists solely of Shaun Tan's The Arrival (ETA: booklog entry) for Best Related Book. Eek!
Things I've already read: 2007 weblog posts, none of which I intend to nominate except maybe Empire of Ivory (it does some awesome things but also has some weak spots).
Things I plan to read because they sound like the kind of thing that if I like, I might nominate (in this order):
- Catherynne M. Valente, The Orphan's Tales
- David Anthony Durham, Acacia
- Ekaterina Sedia, The Secret History of Moscow
Things I might read if I have time (hah!):
- Michael Chabon, The Yiddish Policemen's Union
- Sarah Monette and Elizabeth Bear, A Companion to Wolves
- Richard Morgan, Black Man (a.k.a. Thirteen)
- Susan Palwick, Shelter (though both these last sound kinda dark for my present mood)
- ETA: Tobias Buckell, Ragamuffin
Things I want to read eventually but won't be able to now:
- Kage Baker, The Sons of Heaven (I'd have to read the entire Company series to date, minus the first two, first)
- Ian McDonald, Brasyl (it's long, and probably I should read River of Gods first to get a better feel whether I like what he's doing)
- Robert Charles Wilson, Axis (I, uh, still haven't read Spin . . . )
- ETA: Jo Walton, Ha'Penny (I'm waiting for the third to come out so I don't end up too depressed to ever read again)
What else? I did a very quick search for 2007 lists and tagged them on delicious, if you're looking for reminders. Recommend me novels: but, it should be accompanied with specific reasons that I, personally, would like it, and as much or more than I might like the three things I plan to read. I will either ignore or mock anyone who fails to follow directions.