A miscellany of links, from gender to the best SF MacGuffin ever to some silly videos.
- Men who explain things - Los Angeles Times :: "This syndrome is something nearly every woman faces every day, within herself too, a belief in her superfluity, an invitation to silence . . . "
(tags: gender)
- Cocktail Party Physics: let me explain :: "When I mis-speak, it's usually assumed I am ignorant. Or sloppy. Or both. At least by men." -- more on men who explain
- Adventures in Ethics and Science: Do jokes reveal something about who you're talking to? :: Long thoughtful discussion of reactions, privileged and otherwise, to a "How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb?" joke.
- STATS.org - Today Show Revises Number of Missing Kids Downwards :: "According to the Justice Department, there are only about 115 [stereotypical kidnappings] each year."
- The Best and Worst College-Savings Plans - WSJ.com :: Article on rankings of 529 plans.
- Phil Gordon Answers Your Poker Questions - Freakonomics - Opinion - New York Times Blog
(tags: poker)
- Ecstatic Days » Blog Archive » Evil Monkey’s Guide to Kosher Imaginary Animals :: Pope Lick Monster - A: “I don’t know what that is.” EM: “I think it’s a monster that licks the Pope.” A: “If it’s licking the Pope, it’s probably treyf.”
- synecdochic
: Why I'm worried about IJ's long-term sustainability :: Concise overview of what's involved in running a high-load web application; interesting even for those who aren't involved in InsaneJournal.(tags: livejournal web) - Uncertain Principles: Quantum Computing in Diamond :: SF authors, take note: best MacGuffin EVER.
- hradzka
: OH JOHN RINGO HI :: A surprising follow-up. - Making Light: Teresa in the Observer :: On narcolepsy and writing.
(tags: narcolepsy writing)
- YouTube - Calvin [a dog] on wet sidewalk
- YouTube - Silly dog helicopter :: Jump to about 50 seconds in. I hurt myself laughing.
- ng_photo: 17.04.2008 :: A baby alligator snapping turtle in a Florida swamp perches on the outsize skull of a record-breaking ancestor.
- Cute Overload! -- The ULTIMATE 'Baroo'
- Cute Overload! -- bunny ears!