Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

What a difference five months makes

SteelyKid across my lap then and now.

(Developmental post tonight, I hope!)

Tags: pictures, steelykid

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    Like the one coalescent did a while ago. Chad's hoping for one. comment(s) | add comment ( how-to) | link

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    I have to start generating draft post link dumps as I post things to G+. On movies: You should be reading Wesley Morris, who won a Pulitzer…

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  • Arisia: Race and Identity Issues in SF

    This had a super-broad description, but Victor did a stellar moderating job and rescued it. Description: Race and identity have been issues in…

  • anyone want to run a short story club?

    Like the one coalescent did a while ago. Chad's hoping for one. comment(s) | add comment ( how-to) | link

  • links links links

    I have to start generating draft post link dumps as I post things to G+. On movies: You should be reading Wesley Morris, who won a Pulitzer…