Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

LJ is messing with your outgoing links (again)

LJ is taking any link you have to a non-LJ site, telling a third-party site what that link is when it's hovered over, and then modifying the link so that it has LJ's affiliate code (read: way for it to make money). You can opt-out of this by going to the console and entering "set opt_exclude_stats 1" (without quotes). More details.

You can get Dreamwidth invite codes at [site community profile] dw_codesharing. As soon as a couple of little things are cleaned up there, I am going to make DW my permament journal home (I will cross-post here so you can still keep an eye on what I'm doing). They have many cool site enhancements, no ads, and they stand by their principles.

Tags: dreamwidth, lj

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