(I am vaguely contemplating another Tor.com series, but whether that is actually realistic will have to wait for me to see how this whole two-kids thing shakes out.)
Those of you who've been around this journal for a while know that I loved the original anime and wrote many thousands of words about it. But because the manga wasn't nearly finished then, it went off on its own after a while. And the story it decided to tell is so much smaller in comparison—and also, sadly, far more problematic, in a "how did I not notice this before?" kind of way.
Anyway, I just finished watching the anime (which is available free online in its subtitled version), and I just wanted to squee about the epic and the awesome and the ensemble—especially all the amazing female characters—and someone refusing to do the stupid plot thing that I hate (spoilers!) and just generally how much I love them all. I have a few quibbles with some of the ending, but on the whole: awesome.
So: fic recs, please, especially meaty post-series stuff? Your favorite moments, characters, pieces of personal post-series canon? Talk to me, people.
Spoilers in comments, obviously.
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