Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

30 days of gratitude, day 6

Things I am grateful for (or that, depending on the phrasing), daily during November.

  1. SteelyKid's immune system has, sometime when we weren't looking, matured enough that she no longer gets every cold that goes around daycare. Her getting sick is much rarer these days.
  2. I have awesome co-workers who are smart, enthusiastic, and generous.
  3. Babysitters. =>
  4. Chad's parents, who I get along with so well and who are so generous to our family.
  5. I've weaned the Pip to the point where he's only nursing twice every twenty-four hours, which means NO MORE PUMPING.

  1. It's ten to twelve and all the TV networks plus the AP have called it for Obama, without relying on Florida—so I get to be grateful for both the content and the timing of the news.
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