Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

Internet things / 30 days of gratitude, day 15

Have some Internet things:

One: The guys on an ESPN football show apparently decided to work in as many Princess Bride quotes as they could into a half-hour. Hilarity ensues, by which I mean, I hurt myself laughing at this 1:38 clip video pulling out all the references.

ETA: in an interview, the two guys who do all the talking in the clip say it was impromptu (and that Tedy Bruschi, the third guy, came up with "Corners of Unusual Size" previously).

Two: I've started re-reading The Hobbit chapter-by-chapter over on Tor.com; here's the Chapter 1 post. Do stop by, it should be fun.

Three: SteelyKid has started sending email. No, I'm serious, she hunt-and-pecks the letters, sometimes asking us for spelling but not always, and then we click "send" together. She's visiting Chad's parents right now and behind the cut I have the very best email chain ever.

From: SteelyKid, via Chad's parents
To: Kate, Chad



From: Kate

What happens when we get to 0?!

From: SteelyKid


From: Kate


Kate loves [SteelyKid]!

From: SteelyKid


I'd send her back a smiley-face but I'm not sure she's understand. Gosh I love that kid.

Four: con_or_bust is now taking requests for assistance from non-white fans/fans of color to attend SFF cons in January, February, and March 2012—including Arisia, FOGCon, and EightSquaredCon (the 2013 Eastercon), which have all donated to support Con or Bust. See this post for information on how to request assistance.

Things I am grateful for (or that, depending on the phrasing), daily during November.

  1. SteelyKid's immune system has, sometime when we weren't looking, matured enough that she no longer gets every cold that goes around daycare. Her getting sick is much rarer these days.
  2. I have awesome co-workers who are smart, enthusiastic, and generous.
  3. Babysitters. =>
  4. Chad's parents, who I get along with so well and who are so generous to our family.
  5. I've weaned the Pip to the point where he's only nursing twice every twenty-four hours, which means NO MORE PUMPING.
  6. It's ten to twelve and all the TV networks plus the AP have called it for Obama, without relying on Florida—so I get to be grateful for both the content and the timing of the news.
  7. No need to wait until the end of the day for this: the Pip is one today. Happy Birthday, buddy!
  8. Today's 10,000+ word brief went out with minimal high drama.
  9. The Pip was astonishingly calm about his physical today. The only thing he objected to was his shots, and only for long enough to eat a couple Cheerios after.

    Also enormous baby is enormous: weight: 25 pounds 14 ounces, 96th percentile; height: 31", 89th percentile; head circumference: 48.25 cm, 95th percentile.

  10. Dry fallen oak leaves: the satisfying crunch, the slightly sweet smell, the enormous piles that can be raked up, and the fun that can be had with those piles:

    SteelyKid in a big pile of leaves, the Pip standing next to the pile holding some leaves in  his upraised arms

    [Image: SteelyKid in a big pile of leaves, the Pip standing next to the pile holding some leaves in his upraised arms.]

  11. Thank you, veterans, for your service.
  12. Days off—unexpected ones, even (I never wrote down on my work calendar that work was observing Veterans Day on Monday, so I had no idea we had it off until a co-worker mentioned it on Friday).
  13. Team parenting.
  14. Tonight, I tripped and fell while playing Flying Baby!! (holding the Pip belly-down and whooshing him through the air), but did not hurt or even scare said Baby!!, somehow.

  1. Gotta go with the Internet today, for all kinds of things, not just the above.
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Tags: books, con or bust, gratitude, links, randomosity, steelykid

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