I am going to try to use Wednesdays as a day to booklog in the future, but in the meantime, look! I updated the booklog this month! Here are the April 2013 posts--lots of Discworld (though I'm still not caught up), some Courtney Milan, and finally the Rivers of London books. comment(s) | add comment (how-to) | link
barebones picture books recs
c&p from elsewhere because I am stuck stuck stuck on what I supposed to be doing; no links, just titles, in response to someone who already knew the…
tab management
I'm working on another two-kinds-of-people theory. View poll: #17157 If there are two kinds of people, Chad and I exemplify each kind: the…
I dusted off the booklog!
. . . because I couldn't stop grumping in my head about Welcome to Night Vale: A Novel. Fairly or unfairly, as you'll see. (Comments disabled…
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