Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

Watsons unite in awesomeness!

I have spoiler thoughts about last week's Elementary, but I'm just going to combine them with a reaction to tonight's season finale, so in the meantime:

Con or Bust generally runs a bracket-style challenge at Wiscon's Gathering, thanks to the heroic efforts of popelizbet, which pits characters of color from SFF against each other in a light-hearted "who's more awesome" way. Nominations for this year are open, and anyone can nominate online.

Anyway, in a fit of absent-mindedness I nominated Joan Watson, forgetting that Elementary cannot really be considered SFF. Later, in one of the nominations for Wendy Watson of The Middleman, the nominator left a note saying, "Can we do Wendy Watson vs. Joan Watson?"

Well, sadly we cannot, because like I said, Joan is not eligible. But now I desperately crave a crossover fic in which they are cousins of some degree, meet up at a family reunion, compare notes about their situations, and kick some butt.

Someone make that happen, please? *puppy-dog eyes* comment count unavailable comment(s) | add comment (how-to) | link

Tags: fanfic, tv: elementary, tv: middleman

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