Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

Pacific Rim trailers

I forgot to post about the trailers with Pacific Rim! Not an inspiring batch, I have to say. Linking to IMDB because I can't be bothered to track down the trailers.

Seventh Son: looks like bog-standard extruded fantasy product. Allegedly based on some hit fantasy series, which had me & Chad whispering "What?!" at each other. (Wikipedia says it's based on a kid's series called The Wardstone Chronicles.)

Gravity: the bits in the trailer looked tense, but I don't feel like that's enough to judge.

The World's End: if you have Martin Freeman in your movie and he is not featured heavily in the trailer then I question your life choices.

Anchorman: The Legend Continues: ugh.

Captain Phillips: Tom Hanks fights off Somali pirates. I couldn't put up with his accent even if the movie didn't have an uphill battle to avoid being incredibly racist.

2 Guns: I doubt that Mark Wahlberg can hold his own against Denzel Washington in an odd-couple law-enforcement-on-the-run flick. Also it contains a woman in a fridge.

And something else I can't decipher my notes for. I was hoping for the new Catching Fire trailer to admire it on the big screen, but no. (I know the books get to be an unholy mess, but damn, the people making the movies know their business.)

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