Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

England, Ireland? in August

Hello, internets. Chad & I are planning to take a two-week vacation in August centered around the London WorldCon (Thursday August 14-Monday August 18). Tentatively we are planning to take the redeye out of JFK into London, getting in the Sunday morning before Worldcon, sight-see in and around London Sunday through Wednesday, go to the con, then go elsewhere for the following Tuesday through Friday (returning to London Friday night to fly back to JFK Saturday).

Two (edit: three) questions:

1) We're thinking about doing the last major leg of the trip based out of Dublin. Is mid-to-late August a good, bad, or indifferent time to be in Ireland?

2) Anyone planning to be those islands in August 2014 who won't be at WorldCon?

3) Is there such a thing as reputable mobile phone renters these days, or should we just buy really cheap pay-as-you-go phones when we arrive? And would they work in Ireland too?

And now, off to book our WorldCon hotel rooms.

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