Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

WtNV, episodes 51-54

Episode 51, "Rumbling": I completely forgot the existence of this episode until I was checking a list for titles. On skimming the transcript . . . yeah, no wonder I forgot it, though it has an extremely cute Carlos/Cecil moment at the end.

Episode 52, "The Retirement of Pamela Winchell": we were asked at the LonCon panel who our favorite character was, and she was the first one to come to my mind (besides Cecil, I mean). So this was great.

Episode 53, "The September Monologues": I was thoroughly unimpressed with the middle one as a character, and the voice that Steve Carlsberg's actor uses makes my ears itch.

Episode 54, "A Carnival Comes to Town": (spoilers) started kind of boring, but I liked that it went in two non-canon-typical directions, plot-wise: look, the Night Vale citizens don't do their lemmings impersonation! Look, the intruder isn't evil after all! It's the juxtaposition of the two that makes it work.

And hey, a weather by a band I knew already! We'd seen PigPen Theatre Co.'s "The Old Man and The Old Moon" (NYT review) on a trip to NYC a few years ago. It was generally charming but I spent every minute that the female character was onstage thinking (a) this guy is doing a very nice job of playing an old woman but (b) could they really not have found a single female actor to guest in this role, even if they didn't want to have her be in their company/band?

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Tags: podcasts: welcome to night vale

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