Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

things elsewhere

1. Con or Bust is currently auctioning a signed maunscript of Mary Robinette Kowal's forthcoming (April 2015) conclusion to the Glamourist Histories series, along with signed hardcovers of all the books in the series, thanks to the author & the Ada Initiative (which I have just about trained myself out of writing as ADA, because Americans with Disabilities Act).

2. This Friday, the first substantive post in my reread of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell goes up at Tor.com (covering chapters 1-4 and clocking in at a hefty 4500 words); here's the series index for bookmarking.

Should one or both of these be relevant to your interests, I hope you will take a look or spread the word!

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Tags: books, con or bust

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