Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

I will make a real post about Hamilton later

But in advance of the certain deluge of Hamilton/Burr hatesex from Yuletide, may I suggest to the slash writers Hamilton/Laurens, which is also suggested by the lyrics and has the advantage of being a genuine historical possibility? As in, here's an academic article (PDF) on the subject?

(I'll also be interested, in a sort of anthropological way, how much fic writers take up the blatant Hamilton/Washington daddy issues--not my thing, having recently-ish acquired a power-differential squick--but really, the lyrics are flat-out inviting it.)

I would also like to strongly encourage everybody-lives-and-nobody-cheats AUs; here's a delightful modern one from magneticwave called "the challenge demands satisfaction" (4k, teen and up).

*goes back to mentally practicing "revolutionary manumission abolitionists" while waiting for doctor*

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