Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,


(Or why there will be no kid developmental update post tonight, despite the Pip turning 4 on Saturday.)

- SteelyKid has strep.

+ SteelyKid gets to stop the loathsome antibiotic she was taking for something else (four times a day!) and take bubble-gum flavored amoxycillin that she actually likes.

- I'm allergic to amoxycillin so we get to watch her for that.

+ She's been in a really great energetic mood since just before dinner...

- ...but still needs to stay home tomorrow, which actually puts a bigger dent in Chad's productivity than if she were a sleepy lump on the couch.

+ The Pip is four, so it's time to do bedtime just like his sister: one of us sits on the bed for two songs, sets a timer, comes back when timer beeps to check up.

- Crying. Lots.

- Eventually had to sit on bed and hold his hand for fifteen minutes until he went to sleep.

- Goal of letting him learn to put self to sleep, in hopes that he will put self BACK to sleep in middle of night instead of waking me up, is going to be a long haul.

+ But I didn't have to lie down and cuddle him until he feel asleep?

- And now, work. And paranoia about my own throat.

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Tags: steelykid, the pip

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