Kate (kate_nepveu) wrote,

drive-by post: Hail, Caesar!

I have edits on a brief that need to be dealt with, so, Hail, Caesar!, the latest Coen brothers movie, in one paragraph.

It's a movie about a 1950s movie studio executive dude, who runs around putting out fires while contemplating the direction of his life, that fairly regularly stops dead for set-pieces like Channing Tatum singing (I didn't know he could!) and tap-dancing, or Scarlett Johansson in one of those aquatic ballet thingies. I don't have strong feelings about Hollywood movies of this era, I'm aware that the studio system was awful, and I didn't much like the main character or agree with him (the second thing he does is slap a woman twice across the face. The first is go to confession; notably, he goes the next day and confesses only to slapping someone else.). So this was visually attractive and certainly not bland but not something that engaged me.

The trailers were fucking dire and, accordingly, are better left unmentioned. (Now in comments, because [personal profile] skygiants asked.)

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Tags: movies

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